The cabin of an A320 plane in British Airways Club World business class

Review: British Airways Club Europe Business Class

British Airways Club Europe regional business class is an efficient and pleasant way to fly short haul from London to Paris and elsewhere in Europe. Here is our review based on flights to multiple cities.

Cathay Pacific business class long haul with kids

Guide to Flying With Kids in Business Class on Cathay Pacific

Learn the best tips for flying Cathay Pacific in business class with kids including where to sit, inflight dining, amenities and more.

Take a peek inside of a Malaysia Airlines 737 regional business class flight from Taipei to Kota Kinabalu.

What It’s Like to Fly Malaysia Airlines Regional Business Class

Twin disasters aside, we were quite pleased with flying Malaysia Airlines business class regionally.

British Airways has a new 777-300 that will fly between San Diego and London Heathrow with a First class cabin

British Airways Announces a New Plane and First Class Cabin on San Diego to London Route

San Diego residents will be able to fly a new British Airways 777-300 with a first class cabin to London starting in the spring of 2016.

Flying Dragonair regionally from Hong Kong is a breeze. Here's why.

What It’s Like to Fly Dragonair Regionally From Hong Kong

A review of what it’s like to fly Dragonair regionally from Hong Kong from onboard meals to lounge access.

Learn what it's like to fly British Airways in Club World from San Diego to London Heathrow

What It’s Like to Fly British Airways Club World From San Diego to London Heathrow

See what it’s like to fly British Airways in Club World (business class) from San Diego to London Heathrow on a Boeing 777.

Cathay Pacific New Business Class

10 Reasons Why Cathay Pacific Is the World’s Best Airline

Cathay Pacific provides the most direct flights to Hong Kong and an easy gateway to the rest of Asia. See why they are our airline of choice.